Monday, January 28, 2013

The Training Plan


This training is intended for audience with general knowledge and uses with common knowledge base computer skills, online web tool usage experienced, and online web navigation.


The purpose of this training is to familiarize a learner with the uses of the blog tool and how might it be use to promote learning. The training materials will compose of instruction on how to set up a blogger account to uses as blog and multiple online videos to promote using blogs in education. The goal of this training is to encourage better understanding of blog and its application through example.

Training Methods:

The training method will be a proceed in a linear blog fashion starting with the first post to the last post. Each Post will listed out a specific step of the instruction. The first step is video introduction of what a blog is. The second step will be instruction to set up a blog. Once a understanding of what a blog is and how to use it is achieves, additional video example will provide additional content materials to demonstrate the intended use of Blogs in education. Since this is a public training session, there will be no assessment to measure intended audience understanding of the subject. Topics:

The first step is video introduction, which was link to a youtube video to provide simple understanding of what a basic blog is.

The second step will be step by step instruction to set up a blog.

The third step will be additional example materials for uses of Blogs in classroom.


This is a free online training session, hardware requirement for this training is a computer, and less than hour of your time.


Introduction - 5:00 mins
Overview - 2:00 mins
Blog step by step instruction - 10 mins
Additional video inspiration - 10 mins

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